Services for Consumers:
- Accessibility Surveys
- Advocacy/Legal Services
- Assistive Technology
- Case Management
- Communication Services
- Equipment Services
- Home Modifications
- IEP services and Advocacy
- Independent Living Skills Training
- Individual, Self and Systems Advocacy
- Mobility Training
- Peer Counseling Services
- Presentations and Seminars
- Service Animal Training
- Youth/Transition Services
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing Advocacy
Services for Businesses and Employers:
- Facility Accessibility Surveys
- Job Accommodation Consultation
- Work Setting Evaluations
- Disability Rights Training
- Title I; Employment under the ADA
- Introduction to the Americans with Disabilities Act
DSIL Seminars, Presentations, and Workshops
DSIL gives regular seminars on topics that concern the community of people with disabilities. DSIL has had seminars and workshops on such topics as Disability Rights, Laws and the Complaint Process; ADA Amendments; Disability Etiquette; Service Animal Rights; Emergency Preparedness; Education Rights: ESE, IEP and IDEA.